Classic Compass. Classic Compass + Centrist. 6x6 Political Compass. 9x9 Political Compass. Wojaks. Wojak folder. PCM Hall of Fame. Check out r/Polcompball for more memes! Check out r/PoliticalCompass if you want to post or talk about political test results . Check out r/PCM_University for discussions about polls and studies ...
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if what DAN said was true, chatgpt would score authoritarian left on the political compass test, not libertarian left. evidently, DAN is not reflective of chatGPT’s answers to the political compass test. strong government regulation is inherently authoritarian, not liberal.
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Welcome to r/IdeologyPolls, a subreddit for ideology and political based polls! From hypothetical presidential polls, to questions on controversial topics, feel free to post here as long as you abide by the rules! You may also feel free to choose an ideology flair or create your own to describe your political beliefs next to your username!
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Political service should be a duty like jury service, not a way to gain personal wealth or power, and attempts to use it too further your own selfish gains should be restricted and punished. Everybody should have a right to basic rights such as healthcare and be provided with the education and resources to enable equal opportunities.
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In short, no. Creating a test or tool that can accurately, consistently, and usefully map people along a finite number of axes; that uses simple, unbiased questions or prompts to determine one's location along those axes; and whose axes are both comprehensive of the wide range of political ideologies and views and clearly, specifically defined is, unsurprisingly, a difficult task.
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The Political Compass test is a tool that reportedly offer you a punctuation insight as to where in the political spectrum your thoughts may be, using a bi-dimensional system. I wonder how accurate it is. I have taken the test and I scored somewhere like -4,-5, which I believe reflects my political leanings.
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Political Compass Memes Members Online My fellow rightoids and I when an AuthLeft country actually does run out of food just like we're always saying
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- A subreddit for posting and discussing test results as well as political self-tests and political theory. Members Online (16M) Took the Political Compass test for the first time.
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r/PoliticalCompass is for serious political self-tests only. Any kind of meme or self-placement chart without sound methodology, as well as similar low-quality content, is therefore off-limits. This rule applies both to posts and comments.
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Politicalc - Take The Test. Another one? Why? Political Compass and most other political quizzes are focused on placing people on an ideological/value scale, but they often miss out on each individual's political psychology - how they interpret and internalize political life. Some of these characteristics cannot be easily mapped to an ...
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